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Thema: MUCC

  1. #1426
    Mitglied Avatar von Kinta
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    Hast du dir mal Nirvana angehört? Wirklich elektro ist da ja nicht drin, oder? Na ja wahrscheinlich muss man mal das PV abwarten

  2. #1427
    Mitglied Avatar von Misuki
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    Original von Lizard

    Ich kenn nur ein Mittel, von dem die Haare so extrem schnell wachsen, und das ist ein Medikament für Nierenkranke, das diesen geilen Nebeneffekt hat. XD

    Die sind einfach nur grausam. lD...

    Nirvana wird 'ne Single, 'n neues Album steht weiterhin in den Sternen.
    LOL, naja so weit wird er nicht geganngen sein, aber mich überraschts nicht das du das kennst XD

    Die gehen echt nicht. Ich hab die geschaut und dachte nur: OMG....wo hat man die Aufgetrieben, dass solte verboten werden.

    Ok, aber Nirvana o: ...bin gespannt wie es wird.
    Scheint der Name tiefere Bedeutung zu haben, oder haben sie die Single einfach nur so benannt?
    Te raconter enfin qu'il faut aimer la vie
    Et l'aimer même si le temps est assassin
    Et emporte avec lui les rires des enfants

  3. #1428
    Mitglied Avatar von Kinta
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    Kannst das Lied ja schon anhören, einfach bei YT Mucc + Nirvana eingeben. Ist nämlich nen Anime Opening und die Serie läuft schon

  4. #1429
    Mitglied Avatar von Misuki
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    oh! Dankeschön!
    T.T Bin bei MUcc etwas auf der Strecke geblieben.

    Zum Song:

    Klingt wie ein typischer Anime Song, aber gefällt mir trotzdem.
    Hat was! Ich finde seine Stimme kommt im Song gut zur Geltung !
    Te raconter enfin qu'il faut aimer la vie
    Et l'aimer même si le temps est assassin
    Et emporte avec lui les rires des enfants

  5. #1430
    Mitglied Avatar von Kinta
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    Ja mein erster Gedanke war auch sofort typischer Anime OP Song Aber wenn wir was gelernt haben, dann dass eine Single bei Mucc 0 Tendenz darüber gibt, wie ein Album klingen könnte. Und da dieses Jahr ja 15 jähriges Jubiläum ist, denke ich können wir noch gespannt sein. Zumindest zum 10 jährigen damals gab es ja auch ne Welttour

  6. #1431
    Mitglied Avatar von Misuki
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    Sie sind ja sehr arbeitstüchtig gibt bestimmt was neues dieses Jahr.
    Ich freue mich aber auf die Single *_*

    Eine Welttour XD wer weiß!
    Te raconter enfin qu'il faut aimer la vie
    Et l'aimer même si le temps est assassin
    Et emporte avec lui les rires des enfants

  7. #1432
    Tokage Avatar von Lizard
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    Original von Kinta

    Hast du dir mal Nirvana angehört? Wirklich elektro ist da ja nicht drin, oder? Na ja wahrscheinlich muss man mal das PV abwarten
    Mir reicht der Anteil schon aus, erinnert mich noch zu sehr an Karma (ja, ich bin schwer traumatisiert).

    Und meine Fresse, schon 15 Jahre rum?! Die Jungs und die Band werden langsam echt alt. Oo Jessaz, wo bleibt nur die Zeit...

    Yepp, Isi hat Recht, der Song ist recht animetypisch/J-Pop-Rock, aber es hat immer noch die MUCC-typische Note, dass man es dennoch zig mal anhören kann. <3 Ich bete dennoch inständig dafür, dass sie wieder härter und rauer werden, am besten mit dieser Melodieführung gekreuzt (vergeblich träumen darf man ja wohl noch). X3

    @ Isi: "

    Ja, die Schuhe sind jenseits von Gut und Böse, ich verkneife mir aber jetzt an dieser Stelle den Brückenschlag zum J/K-Pop. XD"

    Gute Frage, lol.
    Wenn die Sonne Eier hätte, müsste man sie kastrieren!

    - Großmuttern

  8. #1433
    Mitglied Avatar von Misuki
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    Ich geb Liz recht ihren raueren und härteren Sachen waren besser.
    Obwohl der SOng zwar Song ist wo man sagt ..guter MUcc SOng wünscht man sich doch irgendwo mehr bass...rock..xD

    @Schuhe da gibts schlimmere noch der Pop-Szene ( MAN glaubts nicht!)

    o: Also weißt dus auch nicht warum die Single so heißt.
    Te raconter enfin qu'il faut aimer la vie
    Et l'aimer même si le temps est assassin
    Et emporte avec lui les rires des enfants

  9. #1434
    Tokage Avatar von Lizard
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    Original von Misuki
    Ich geb Liz recht ihren raueren und härteren Sachen waren besser.
    Obwohl der SOng zwar Song ist wo man sagt ..guter MUcc SOng wünscht man sich doch irgendwo mehr bass...rock..xD

    @Schuhe da gibts schlimmere noch der Pop-Szene ( MAN glaubts nicht!)

    o: Also weißt dus auch nicht warum die Single so heißt.
    Mehr Eier, um es kurz zu machen. XD Yepp, geb ich dir Recht, mag auch lieber ihre düsteren Sachen, die aber nun leider nur noch ein Teil der bandeigenen Vergangenheit bleiben werden. Ihre Pop-Seite ist auch durchaus sehr schön, ich hoffe nur, dass sie nicht zu sehr in die Animeschiene abrutschen, wäre schade drum.

    Aber gut, es ist MUCC und die Jungs verändern eh sehr oft ihren Sound und behalten dennoch ihren Klang bei. XD

    @ Schuhe: Doch, das glaube ich ohne auch nur eine Sekunde zu zögern. ""

    Neee. XD Vllt. hat es ja mit dem Anime zu tun, aber sonst kein Plan.
    Wenn die Sonne Eier hätte, müsste man sie kastrieren!

    - Großmuttern

  10. #1435
    Mitglied Avatar von Misuki
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    Jap, hoffe auch das sie nicht allzu sehr in die Pop-Szene abrutsche.
    Aber das sie in der Anime-Schiene bleiben glaub ich nicht.
    Aber du hast recht sie verändern sich immer und behalte das Gewisse was sie ausmacht.

    haha xD

    vllt. !° DX würde Sinn machen
    Te raconter enfin qu'il faut aimer la vie
    Et l'aimer même si le temps est assassin
    Et emporte avec lui les rires des enfants

  11. #1436
    Tokage Avatar von Lizard
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    @ Isi: Naja, ist ihr drittes Lied für 'nen Anime bisher. XD Hoffe nur, dass die Jungs dadurch wenigstens 'nen netten Gewinn für die Staatskasse und evt. neue Fans bei absahnen.

    Hab gerade mal in Shion und Kyuutai wieder reingehört, auch da lassen sich schon teils leichte Elektroeinsätze verbuchen, war mir vorher net so extrem aufgefallen, aber dank Karma bin ich ein gebranntes Kind. *Marshmellows an den Arm halt und wartet, was passiert*

    Aber he, der Sound bei den neuen Singles ist besser als noch bei Karma (ich werde das Album wohl nie ganz mögen X"D), ich habe Hoffnung.

    Lach net, die Teile gehören verboten, davon kriegt man Augen- und Arschkrebs auf einmal. "

    Keine Ahnung, war nur 'ne billige, improvisierte fixe Idee. XD
    Wenn die Sonne Eier hätte, müsste man sie kastrieren!

    - Großmuttern

  12. #1437
    Mitglied Avatar von Misuki
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    o: Bestimmt bei Animes bekommt man nun in Japan nicht gerad wenig.

    Vllt. kommts mir nur so vor, aber ' the worst of mucc ' war nicht wirklich viel Elektronisches oder?

    Ja, gut aber Karma ist auch schon stück härter als XDD die Alben davor.
    Ich hoffe auch, dass es nicht ganz so sehr danach geht, falls ein neues Album rauskommt.

    XDDD jaa
    Te raconter enfin qu'il faut aimer la vie
    Et l'aimer même si le temps est assassin
    Et emporte avec lui les rires des enfants

  13. #1438
    Mitglied Avatar von Kinta
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    Warten wir mal ab, ich suchte sowieso alles von Mucc weg

    Und ich versuche noch diese Optik mit dem Song Nirvana zu einem PV im Kopf zu verbinden und scheitere immer noch kläglich. Und war Worst of Mucc nicht ne B-Seiten Sammlung aus der Indy Zeit oder so? Würde erklären warum man da Elektronik nicht findet ^^

  14. #1439
    Mitglied Avatar von Kinta
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    Ok nachdem man das PV gesehen hat, passt der Look irgendwie doch Und in ganzer Länge ist auch der Song überzeugender als in der Anime OP Version. Es gibt sogar ein Gitarrensolo von Miya Also ja mir gefallen PV und Song besser als Arcadia.

  15. #1440
    Tokage Avatar von Lizard
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    Wo gibt's das PV zu sehen zum Lied? Auf YT find ich nur weiterhin das Opening mit der 1.30 min langen Version. -,-"
    Wenn die Sonne Eier hätte, müsste man sie kastrieren!

    - Großmuttern

  16. #1441
    Prussian Wolfs-Terrier Avatar von *Kiba-chan*
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    Wolfs(!!!)höhle,nix Saft!
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    keine Ahnung ob es da die volle Version gibt >.<

  17. #1442
    Tokage Avatar von Lizard
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    @ Kiba: Nope, leider nicht, aber endlich mal ein offizieller Teaser zum Posten. :3

    @ Lied: Hab es eben bei der Konkurrenz von YT in der vollen Version gefunden. Das PV ist... naja, sie hatten schon bessere und es erinnert mich irgendwie zu sehr an das 80er Pop-Klischee. " Das Lied ist wie erwartet durch die kurze Version des Openings echt geil. :3

    Wenn das Album auch die Richtung ausfällt und ich irgendwie das Geld erübrigen kann (also der Kühlschrank irgendwie etwas Essbares hergibt), wird es gekauft. *-*
    Wenn die Sonne Eier hätte, müsste man sie kastrieren!

    - Großmuttern

  18. #1443
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    das muss ich mi euch teilen.
    eben gefunden und hart gelacht ^^

    etwas lang ~ aber es lohnt sich (oder auch nicht xD)

    Tatsuro (MUCC) + Hitsugi (Nightmare) Shock Wave No.3 Interview

    Tatsuro: So Hitsugi, would you confess to someone first?
    Hitsugi: Eh!? C-- confess? Another random question, huh. Well I guess it depends on the time and place, as well as on the person.
    T: Do you fall in love at first sight?
    H: No, not at first sight.
    T: Why? Are your eyes bad?
    H: If you don't fall in love at first sight I don't think it's because you have bad eyes (laugh). Then what about Tatsuro-san....
    T: So when was your first love?
    H: I was asking a question...(laugh). F-- first love? It was during elementary school.
    T: What was the girl's name?
    H: No! I'm definitely not saying (laugh).
    T: What's wrong~ It's a bittersweet memory. What-san?
    H: No! And by the way, has the interview started yet?
    T: Yeah, it started.

    - Eh? Oh, it started (laugh).
    (hurries to set up the tape recorder)
    T: Yeah, basically (laugh). So? What was her name?
    H: I said no! When was your first love then?
    T: Mine? Mine was in 6th grade.
    H: Ah, that's kind of late huh.
    T: Really? But isn't love during kindergarden or elementary school not really love? It's like, (And here Tatsuro starts acting out two roles....) "Hey, hey, do you like anyone?" "Yeah I do" "Tell me, I'll tell you too" "You can't tell anyone else!" "I won't, I won't" "Eh! You like them? Heh~" kind of thing. Share it with someone, then when you get into a fight, (And here Tatsuro once again starts acting two roles....) "I'm gonna tell people who you like!" "I don't care, I like someone else now! Who are you talking about, stupid!" like that. It changed already! Kind of thing.
    H: Ahahaha. You just had a good conversation with yourself Tatsuro-san (laugh). But that does happen (laugh).
    T: Right? But I don't think that sort of love counts as a first love. Rather, the kind of love where you're always looking at them during class and you can't help thinking about them, I think that kind of love starts at around middle school. So that's when mine was.
    H: Ahh, if it's in that way, then I think my first love would have been after I graduated middle school. I had the feeling that I seriously liked them.
    T: So, what was her name?
    H: I already said no! Will you say?
    T: Yeah. I will. For me, Mori-san.
    H: Mori-san huh (laugh). For me.........U-- Umi**-san.
    T: Eh? What? Unko-san? [unko = poop]
    H: ..........I knew you'd say that (laugh). I think I've started to understand you, Tatsuro-san (laugh).
    T: Soo then, you met Unko-san after you graduated?
    H: No, it's Umi**-san.
    T: Ahh, Umi**-san right. Sorry sorry. Unko-san.
    H: ...........
    T: So, did you see her again at your coming of age ceremony or something?
    H: No. I didn't participate in the ceremony, I was already in Tokyo in a band. I was in Tokyo recording~ Around the time I first went drinking with you in Tokyo.
    T: When was that?
    H: When I was about 20.
    T: Well yeah~ You just said it was around your coming of age ceremony!
    H: Ah, right (laugh). Because you asked "when" (laugh). Did you go to your ceremony?
    T: No. I was in Sendai during a tour. So then, that time we first went drinking together, where was it again?
    H: Wasn't it at your house?
    T: Ahh, I remember. We did do that~ And who was there again?
    H: Phobia's vocalist Kisui-san, D'espairsRay's Hizumi-san, Tatsuro-san, and me.
    T: That's right~

    - That wasn't your first time meeting each other was it? When did you two meet?
    H: The first time I met Tatsuro-san, I was still in Sendai. MUCC was a guest at an event put on by Ruka's previous band. That day we had a live at another place, but our after-parties happened to be at the same place, so we met then. I guess that would be 7 or 8 years ago now? When Tatsuro-san was still wearing gas masks and things. When Tatsuro-san was about 20 I think?
    T: Yeah. That's nostalgic. I did use gas masks. That's right, how nostalgic~ At that time I was 20 and Hitsugi was 22.
    H: No I wasn't! (laugh) Why am I all of a sudden older? (laugh) I was 17 then.
    T: Even though these guys were still in high school they had after-parties at bars.

    - MUCC did the same thing. Didn't you meet Miya-san at an after-party at a bar?
    T: Yeah (laugh)
    H: See, everyone did it (laugh). Then at the after-party I was sitting next to him. Since that time I thought MUCC was really cool, and I had listened to "Antique" then but I had never been to a live. So that was the first time seeing them in real life! I remember being impressed and thinking "Ohh~, it's really them~". I was trying my best to talk to Tatsuro-san sitting beside me, and he was doing his best to talk to me too.

    - So you've gotten along since then?
    T: No, not really.
    H: Hey, hey (laugh)
    T: At that time Hitsugi was wearing cat eye contacts, so whenever he blinked the vertical pupil would shake back and forth. I remember that really well (laugh). When I asked what his name was and he said Hitsugi [coffin] I kinda pulled away (laugh). "Hitsugi!? Your name is Hitsugi? What's with that" kinda thing (laugh).
    H: See, isn't he mean? It's always like this (laugh). We didn't exchange phone numbers that day, but we did the next time we met. Then afterwards I got my first phone call from him.
    T: Did I call you!?
    H: Yes! And it was at about 4 in the morning while I was recording, then when I was done I went (laugh).
    T: Ah, right. I remember. I was like, "YOU, get over here" (laugh)
    H: Yeah (laugh). Going was okay, but since I was surrounded by senpais I didn't know what to say. I thought a common subject would be music, so I asked, "What artists do you look up to?". And what do you think Tatsuro-san said?

    - Another random answer? (laugh)
    H: Yes (laugh). He said "Nicolas Cage"! Even though I was soo nervous and I had finally thought of a question to ask. I would understand if he had said that as a joke after everyone else had answered, but it was all of a sudden! Since he said something like that first, I couldn't ask anyone else (laugh).
    T: What are you talking about, Hitsugi. Nicolas Cage is a great actor. More importantly, why did I have to answer some interview-like question when we were all out drinking? And why is it turning into an interview now too?

    - Hey, wait! This is definitely an interview!
    H: Seriously (laugh). And I'm starting to wonder who's the writer here! (laugh)
    T: (laugh) So Hitsugi...
    H: You're changing the question again? (laugh)

    - Ok wait a second, is it okay if I explain kind of what the object of this interview is? Since you two are good friends we'd like to hear about your private life some, so please just talk naturally-- Well, you've already started (laugh).
    T: Honestly though, this won't turn into a good conversation (laugh). You're definitely going to regret booking these two (laugh). I'll let you know now, I don't think this will ever be a serious conversation (laugh).
    H: Though from the start this has been just meaningless chatting, not an interview (laugh). I'm doing my best, so please make an effort too, Tatsuro-san! But I think it's okay to say that this definitely won't turn into a conversation about music, so you should be prepared for that (laugh). You'll need to do the rest (laugh).

    - What do you mean, that I need to try hard too?
    H: Exactly (laugh).

    - Well then we should at least start with our meal. (An employee brings the "Fish of the Day" in a row of baskets)
    T: Whoa~ Amazing. They're all dead.
    H: Ahahahaha. Of course they are! And that's not what you should be looking at, Tatsuro-san! (laugh). Look at the type of fish it is!
    Employee: Our Fish of the Day is stonefish. The spines on it's back are poisonous and dangerous to touch, so please try not to touch them.
    T: Hitsugi, touch it. It's got spines on it's back.
    H: No way! Didn't they just say not to touch it!
    T: Don't be stupid, we're testing to see if they're telling the truth. Touch it.
    H: I said no (laugh)
    T: Can you make spine sashimi? (Turning to the employee) [a pun. spine = toge, and the first kanji in "sashimi" can also be read "toge", so he basically asked if they could make "toge toge" >.>]
    Employee: Ah, no, we're not able to prepare anything like.....that (troubled)
    H: Serioulsy, you're so weird Tatsuro-san!

    - He is weird (laugh)
    H: Wait, listen to this! I've gotten mail from him in the middle of the night before, and since it's late won't you think it's some kind of emergency? But it was just one line saying, "What time is it now?".....
    T: Cause I was wondering what time it was. Then I thought "Hitsugi would probably know", so I mailed you.
    H: No, but when you open your phone to type that mail the time comes up (laugh). Isn't that weird? No matter how you think about it.

    - Ahahaha. Then what did you reply?
    H: I just said, "It's 3:20"

    - (laugh). Is it because you get lonely, Tatsuro-kun?
    T: Um~ I like teasing people.
    H: It's always like that. At first I didn't know how to react, but now I'm used to it (laugh).
    T: So Hitsugi~ What kind of food do you hate?
    H: The subject changed all of a sudden, huh (laugh). Well this also happens all the time (laugh). Food that I hate? I can't eat tomatoes in sandwiches.
    T: But just tomatoes are okay? Your limit is tomatoes in sandwiches?
    H: Yeah. I hate bread that's in between two pieces of bread.

    - You mean tomatoes that are in between two pices of bread, not bread in between two pieces of bread. Tomato.
    T: If you ate bread in between bread it would be like eating rice with rice, like rice-don. If you made a sandwich with bread inside it would be like putting rice on top of rice and making don. Wouldn't it. What would you do with that.
    H: Ah, aaaahhhh, you could have just let it go!

    - Ahh, sorry (laugh). So why do you hate tomatoes in sandwiches?
    H: Honestly, it's not the tomato I hate, I hate it when the bread gets soggy with tomato juice.
    T: Soo Hitsugi, did you know that there are male and female seaweed?
    H: It's really random this time (laugh). I didn't know. How do you tell them apart?
    T: The females have boobs.
    H: .............................
    T: It's true. If you tell people that next time they'll all think, "Wow, Hitsugi-kun is so knowledgeable~" and you'll be totally be popular.
    H: That's definitely not true.
    T: Well then, do you know what crab miso is?
    H: Crab brains? [he's trying to guess the joke, lol]
    T: Noo. It's crab yadoben. [lunches you get at japanese inns]
    H: Ok, so are you saying you're eating crab yadoben now? (laugh)
    T: Yeah I am. It's really good, crab yadoben.
    H: Honestly though, I can never win against you when it comes to words, Tatsuro-san (laugh). You said that you don't have any quirks, but that's definitely wrong, isn't it? (laugh)

    - That is wrong (laugh)
    H: I know! See!
    T: What are you saying, there's no one else who's friends with so many band members.
    H: That's true, but it's not the same thing as not having any quirks! Since the first time we met I thought, "This person is weird~" (laugh). I had no idea how to interact with you at first (laugh).

    - When did you start getting along well?
    H: When Nightmare came to Tokyo. I decided to buy a bike and had him come with me to the bike shop, so we started contacting each other a lot after that.
    T: So Hitsugi~ Are there any band guys you don't like?
    H: Eh? Is it okay if the, "Do you get along well?" question is over? Which one should I answer? (laugh) It's like there are two writers here (laugh). Band guys I don't like? There aren't any for me. I might not be liked by some people though.
    T: I guess cause they're jealous, huh~ By the way, what fish is this?
    H: Tatsuro-san! You're changing the subject too much!! This fish? (Hitsugi was trying to honestly answer every question he was asked.....laugh) This fish is called "nodoguro".
    T: Ahh, "doburoku" huh. [type of sake]
    H: Ah, no, it's "nodoguro". That's totally different!

    - Ahaha. Has he always been this shameless?
    H: Tatsuro-san? Yes (laugh). Shameless, or something like that (laugh). [they're saying "ii kagen"]
    T: "ii kagen" isn't a bad thing, though. It's like, "ii, kagen". [literally means "good condition"] So I leave a good impression. I've always given a good impression, right. Right, Hitsugi.
    H: Ah, umm, yes (laugh)
    T: Japanese is hard~ Doesn't the word "tekitou" have the same nuance? [it can mean "appropriate" or "half-hearted" depending] "Tekitou" is used in a bad way, but it originally means that something fits just right. Doesn't it.

    - Well yes, there are a lot of words that change meanings as time goes by depending on how they're used.
    H: Ah, did it finally turn into a real conversation? (laugh)

    - It did (laugh)
    H: But to answer that, "Has he always been shameless?" question, Tatsuro-san isn't "ii kagen" or "tekitou" in a bad way. He just teases people a lot (laugh). Tatsuro-san will bring up the idea for everyone to go drinking together, and if out of 10 people he's the one who talks the most. He teases people relentlessly, but he's looking at the whole situation more than anyone and he's the most careful of people's feelings. Though he'll say he isn't.

    - Yeah, I understand that. He doesn't show that he's paying attention to other peoples' feelings, but I think he really does deep down.
    H: He does, he does. A while ago, I went to karaoke with Tatsuro-san and Aki from SID. Tatsuro-san played the tambourine and got the mood going for everyone's songs. Looking at that I thought what a cute person he is (laugh). Even though he's older than me.
    T: It's because I'm a tambourinist.
    H: Yeah, see, the way he dodges the compliment also makes me think that he's a nice person.

    - But it's because you usually feel that way that you're able to understand how Tatsuro-kun thinks about other peoples' feelings. With you two there's one who teases and one who's teased, but I think we're able to see your individual styles and how you consider other people more in this situation than in an interview with your respective bands. So I see how you'd get along.
    H: But Tatsuro-san really does have a lot of friends. I think he's just liked by everyone.
    T: I don't have a lot of friends. I do have a lot of aquaintences, though.

    - So how do you differenciate between friends and aquaintences?
    T: I wonder~ I don't think I could call someone my friend if we've just gone drinking a once or twice. If I felt like I could spend an entire day with them maybe that would be a friend. Spending an entire day with Hitsugi would still be awkward though (laugh). So we're still aquaintences (laugh)
    H: Really!? That's so sad!
    T: I'm kidding, I'm kidding (laugh)
    H: Oh good (laugh)

    - Is there anyone who you're both friends with?
    T: That we're both friends with~ There are people who we go drinking with when we're together, but I wonder. Is there anyone we meet up with when we're not together? Maybe just Aki or Daisuke (the studs)?
    H: I guess so.
    T: Basically the people I get along with aren't super good people. It's all guys with a lot of quirks or just idiots (laugh). My friend in my hometown is like that too. I went back recently and went drinking with him, and while he used to be in a gang, now he's working hard being a firefighter. And even though he said he could come early cause that was his day off, he contacted me saying he'd be late. When I asked him what he was doing he said he was doing money collecting at his side job (laugh). I was like, that is pretty bad (laugh).
    H: That's doing too much (laugh)
    T: Right? It definitely suprised me too (laugh)

    - But with both of you being shy and secretly paying attention to other peoples' feelings, aren't you able to have conversations with a lot of different people? So are there no people you don't get along with?
    T: No, there are people I don't get along with. I usually can't get along with people who try to act cool.
    H: Me too, I'm not good with people who are too cool or that can't open up.
    T: Because this is the way I am. I really don't get along with people who are nice to everyone. I feel like I can't trust them. But I feel like the people I know are all super nice to the people who are important to them. Don't you get that feeling, though? Aren't there people who say pretty harsh things or have a bad mouth, but they're actually really good people?

    - There are. And I definitely understand how those people would be easier to trust.
    T: That's true. I also don't think it's necessary to be a good person to everyone. I like people who might have a lot of quirks and are hard to approach, but they're actually good people on the inside.

    - As an example, someone like Yoshinori-kun (Sugimoto Yoshinori) (laugh). You said you wanted to meet him a while ago right, Tatsuro-kun.
    T: Yeah. Yes, yes, that's right. Yoshinori-kun says just what he's thinking, has tons of quirks and a bad mouth, but he's always thought that people with bad mouths are never bad people.
    H: I totally understand that. Yoshinori-san also tends to jump right into things (laugh)
    T: He does (laugh) But, I think that really different things only come from really different people. I think normal people can only produce normal things.

    - Ah, the first time you've said something good all day.
    H: "The first time" (laugh) So you were worried about this interview, huh. It's true though, you would worry about it at this rate (laugh)
    T: Why?
    H: Don't ask "why" (laugh) And anyway, you're really out there too, Tatsuro-san~ But you usually don't get angry, do you? Have you ever gotten angry?
    T: Me? I really don't get angry often. I wonder when I would? Ah, but there were two times in the past when I got angry during lives.
    H: Really!? When, when?
    T: A loong time ago. At the beginning of the live there were guests who were playing around and laughing, and causing trouble for the people around them. I was ignoring them, but they never stopped, so when I couldn't take it anymore I said, "It's really annoying when people are messing around when you're trying to seriously do something, so please stop". I also got kind of mad when people were surrounding me and wouldn't let go.

    - Because a live isn't something made just by the ones performing, huh. I think the power of the guests is also really strong. It's ok if you can just ignore it, but I feel bad for the people around them.
    T: But, I did feel like I was a little immature afterwards.

    - Yeah, well. That would be annoying, so I think it's good you said something. Because the guests really are important at lives. When the guests are having fun jumping around, or when they're touched it can move you to tears looking at them, and seeing the stage from behind all of the guests is really beautiful. Even when everyone's headbanging and running into each other they don't really care, or rather it's funner that way, but during a quieter song if you can hear people talking the whole time it would make you mad.
    H: Ah, I understand. It is bad when fans come to have fun and it's ruined by a few people with bad manners. I'm sure the people in that area where able to have fun after that because you said something, Tatsuro-san. It is true that when you get mad it can make things awkward after, but there are some times you just have to say something.
    T: True. But I think that's the only time I've gotten mad during a live. I usually don't snap and lose control. What about you? What happens when you snap? Do your piercings go BWAHH, GWAA!! and jump out or something?
    H: That wouldn't even be human! (laugh)
    T: So what happens? Do you turn into Shrek?
    H: Of course not! (laugh)
    T: You don't! That's suprising!
    H: What's suprising! Wouldn't it be more suprising if I did turn into Shrek!
    T: I guess~ So? What happens when you get mad?
    H: When I get mad, um~ I guess I explain why I'm mad first. But I don't think I snap either. And I haven't gotten angry recently. Even when I get into a bad mood because of technical trouble or something it doesn't go that far.

    - What do you do when you get mad, Tatsuro-kun?
    T: Me? I stop talking. Or I say, "I'm leaving" and leave. Or else it'll turn into a fight. That's enough. Do whatever you want, kind of thing. Even in elementary and middle school there were a lot of times I just left by myself~ Maybe that's when I stopped getting angry so much.
    H: I see~ I usually don't get angry much either. Ah, Tatsuro-san, here's the stonefish!
    (The stonefish sashimi was brought out)
    T: Oh, here it is, the blowfish.
    H: No! It's not blowfish, it's stonefish!
    T: Ahh, really?
    H: The waiter just said it's stonefish! And you were the one who ordered it! Jeez (laugh)

    - When you go drinking or talk on the phone together, what do you usually talk about?
    T: Small talk. The stock market and stuff.

    - That's definitely not true.
    T: Or how the yen is doing.

    - That's definitely not true.
    H: It really isn't true (laugh)

    - Who usually does the inviting?
    T: Whenever I invite this guy somewhere he turns me down. Like, "No, I can't do that day", or "Ah, I can't", or "There's no way I can go" or something. He's so hard to be friends with.
    H: Hey, hey, you're making me seem like such a rude person!
    T: Hitsugi is rude. "No, that'll be tough", "Of course I won't be able to come".
    H: I didn't say that! I never said anything like that! (laugh)

    - Ahahaha. You're really getting picked on today, Hitsugi (laugh). I've never seen you like this, it's just so cute I can't help it (laugh)
    T: But we've still never hung out together just the two of us.
    H: All we've done is go eat ramen together.
    T: But I did plan something a while ago. At the end of June I had time off, so I thought we could go touring together somewhere far, then when I called him and asked if he could get two days off he was like, "I can't do it", "That won't work", "I don't want to~".
    H: I didn't. I didn't say that! I wanted to go, but I couldn't get two days off in a row. Didn't we talk about it a lot?

    - Huh? Hitsugi, didn't you say that everyone other than the rhythm team were free at the end of the month?
    H: Heh!? What is this. What's with that?? I never said that! Wait a second, really, why are you making things up (laugh).
    T: See, there we go. I knew it. You were free. But you turned me down.
    H: We really did talk a lot about it, that wasn't true! Wait, why are you making things up (laugh)! Stop it, if you keep saying things like that Tatsuro-san will just keep attacking me (laugh).

    - Sorry, sorry. I was going along with it and wanted to pick on you too (laugh). So did you want to go tour somewhere and stay there for two days?
    T: Yeah. I said I wanted to go to a nearby onsen or something. Right. But since Hitsugi said no I couldn't go. I also said if two days was too hard that we could just go to Nagoya, but that didn't work either.

    - And why Nagoya? (laugh)
    T: the studs were having a live in Nagoya, so I asked if he wanted to go see it together. But then Hitsugi was like, "I can't do something like that", "It won't work", and turned me down. It's Hitsugi's fault.
    H: I told you! (laugh) I never said that! (laugh) Didn't I say I wanted to go! I'm telling you, it wouldn't have worked (laugh).
    T: It's because Hitsugi hates me.
    H: I don't hate you! I really like you, Tatsuro-san! Don't I?

    - Yeah. Hitsugi really does like you, Tatsuro-kun. A while ago at the end of an interview he said, "I wonder how Tatsuro-san is doing~ Are you going to meet with him? Tell him I want to see him".
    T: People say things like that though. But when I actually talk with him he's like, "No, that's difficult", "I can't".
    H: I don't say that (laugh)! The last time you invited me it was during recording or a tour, really! And besides, you were drunk! I called and asked what you were doing and you said, "Hah? Why would I have to tell you that!" (laugh)
    T: Well it's true.
    H: Seriously, he's so mean (laugh). I really wanted to go the Weekly Lives (lives that MUCC did once a week for their 10th anniversary, playing songs from their first album to the latest) you did a while ago! Didn't I say I wanted to go.

    - You did. I invited you to one of the lives, but you couldn't go because of recording or something.
    H: Right, right, right. I said, "Did you go? Was the the first song on the first day ("Antique" and "Aishuu" day) "Aka" like I thought?" and had her show me the setlist (laugh). I was impressed that the first song really was "Aka". Then we had a conversation like, "Ahh, they played that song!". "Ahh, I wanted to go!". I do think that MUCC is a really cool band. I've liked them for a long time.

    - Then is it okay if we start talking about music for a while? (laugh). Didn't you say that you've been interested in writing lyrics lately, Hitsugi?
    H: Yeah I did. I'm really interested.
    T: You are? Are you gonna write some today too?
    H: Eh!? Today? I, I don't think I will today, but (laugh). Why today? (laugh) I really don't understand your questions (laugh).

    - Ahahaha. Hitsugi did say that he's liked MUCC ever since he was in Sendai, but I'm sure that also means the lyrics were part of the reason you got pulled into their music?
    H: Yeah. For me, out of Tatsuro-san's lyrics the song I like the most is "Na mo naki yume". I really really like that song, and I have it in my iPod.
    T: Is that so. Are there any lyrics of yours that have been put into songs?
    H: Yeah. There are three songs. They're in our album.
    T: What made you want to start writing lyrics?
    H: Because I had made the song, so I decided to try writing lyrics for it too.
    T: Was it fun?
    H: Well, I'm not sure about fun, but it was kind of embarrassing at first.
    T: What did you write about?
    H: The first song had a "goodbye" theme, and the second one was more like "let's look ahead and walk forward". The third had a "nothingness" feeling.

    - What were the first lyrics you wrote, Tatsuro-kun?
    T: With MUCC?

    - Did you write lyrics before you were in MUCC!?
    T: U~m, maybe they weren't really lyrics, but the first time I wrote lyrics that actually got put into a song was with MUCC. The first lyrics I wrote were for "Kyousoukyoku"
    H: Heh~ What was the theme for it?
    T: There wasn't really a theme. I just wrote them while thinking about the girl I liked at the time.

    - Was it embarrassing because it was your first work?
    T: No, it wasn't embarrassing. I only felt satisfaction.
    H: I see~
    T: Does everyone in Nightmare write lyrics?
    H: I don't think Ni~ya hasn't written any yet.
    T: I see. So then Hitsugi, introduce the other members of Nightmare. I still haven't really talked with Sakipon (Sakito) or Rupon (Ruka), so I don't know what kind of people they are. Does Sakito-kun tell dirty jokes?
    H: Sakito won't say them himself, but he laughs when Yomi says stupid things or something (laugh)
    T: So then, if I told Sakito-kun to say "d*ck", would he say it?
    H: Ahahaha. I think he would (laugh)

    - So then what would you do after getting him to say it......?
    T: I'd just be happy with that (laugh) The, "Ahh thank God, he's a human like me" kind of relief? (laugh) I wouldn't wish for much more from him after that. What about Rupon (Ruka) and Nipon (Ni~ya)?
    H: Those two love that kind of thing. Especially Ruka-san, he'll say them when we're all together. He loves it (laugh)
    T: Really! I feel like if you're with guys and you can't talk about stuff like that it's hard to forgive. For me it's like, if you're a guy who doesn't like dirty jokes, then I don't like you! kinda thing.
    H: Ahahaha. It's true that that's how guys get to know each other (laugh)

    - Ah! By the way, Tatsuro-san.....Didn't you give Yomi a really unnecessary suggestion once.....
    T: What? I did? Did I say something?

    - To Yomi who was trying his best to diet.
    H: Ahahaha. You did you did! You did say something, Tatsuro-san (laugh)
    T: What did I say?

    - "You know, if you can't lose weight then just say, 'I really did lose weight before the photoshoot, but then I rebounded!', then it's ok if you get fatter! Just do that! It's totally the best way!" You said that!
    T: Ah, I did (laugh) But it's true. When you're involved with magazines and you say you're going to lose 8 kilos, but then you say, "Actually I only lost two~", it's really half-hearted and uninteresting. But if you just go, "I rebounded~ (laugh)", isn't it way more interesting for a magazine?
    H: No, that kind of thing doesn't work for our band! (laugh)

    - It's true it's true (laugh). Yomi is obedient, so he'll stop working at it (laugh)
    T: That guy is so hopeless (laugh)
    H: He's really an idiot, he's too easily influenced (laugh). But that's why you can't hate him.
    T: Then what's wrong with him rebounding.
    H: That's not good! He's trying his best right now!
    T: How long has he been doing it?

    - It's been about a month since he started.
    H: Was he going to continue for another month?
    T: That's it, since he started his diet plan last month.
    H: Ahahaha. You do check these things (laugh)
    T: Cause there aren't any other vocalists who say those kind of things in magazines (laugh)
    H: True (laugh). But he's really working hard isn't he?

    - Yeah. He said that he works out his back and stomach everyday, and finds time to go to the gym.
    H: See, so stop giving him those suggestions (laugh)
    T: But really, if you're not dieting while working out and getting in shape, doing a live at Budokan will be tough. So you have to be careful of that.
    H: That's true. If you're not in shape lives are hard. Somehow.
    T: So that's why if you think about the magazine and say, "Actually I got fatter (laugh)" it'd be funnier. Yep.
    H: I wonder? (laugh)

    - You're so irresponsible (laugh)
    T: Hey, hey, by the way, if you had time to kill in Shibuya for some reason, what would you do?
    H: Heh!? Where did that come from? What does that have to do with what we were saying??
    T: It doesn't have anything to do with it. I just wanted to ask. For me, a while ago I somehow had free time in Shibuya and I had already eaten, didn't feel like going to a manga cafe and didn't feel like shopping, so I seriously started wondering if there were any good places to go at a time like that.
    H: So did you think of anything?
    T: I did! I thought of a good place!
    H: Where!?
    T: "Pet Cabaret"!
    H: What the heck is that? (laugh)
    T: It's what I said. A Pet Cabaret. There'd be tons of pets, and you can pick one. You'd have a private room where you could play with them for however long. Isn't that cool? Would you go if there was one?
    H: I would! I would!
    T: Right!

    - Eh, but isn't that kind of sad?
    T: What is?

    - Because wouldn't you start getting attached to each other? Even so it's definitely not your pet. Isn't that sad?
    T: Yeah, it is kind of sad. You think you can see them again but there's too many reservations and you can't. Aren't I good? I told you I seriously thought about it. If you have a bunch of cats and dogs it'll start to stink if you don't clean often, and they make noise so if you can't soundproof the place it'll be bad, and if it's too small it'll get crowded, and there's no point if it's not your own place so you'd need a lot of space, so at what price per hour would people come? Kinda thing.
    H: You thought about it that realistically, huh (laugh)
    T: Yeah. But when I kept thinking about it I calmed down at the thought that it's pretty unrealistic (laugh). But if there was one I'd definitely go.

    - You like animals then?
    T: I do, I do.

    - Both of you have pets, right?
    H: Yeah. I have a dog.
    T: Ahh, that dog that isn't very cute. Pesu, huh.
    H: Hey! He is cute, you're wrong! (laugh)
    T: Ah, Pesu was the name of the dog I had when I was a kid. Shikabane [corpse], right. Shikabane. Ah, or was it mukuro. [also means corpse]
    H: It's Cocoa! Cocoa! Jeez, a while ago when we had a live in Omiya with MUCC, Cocoa was in the dressing room and all of a sudden Tatsuro-san said, "What's it's name? It's with Hitsugi so it's shikabane, right?" (laugh) Really, he's so mean! Even though they played together (laugh)
    T: What's with Cocoa! Why Cocoa! Cause it's cocoa-colored? Lame.
    H: I didn't say anything! But it's frustrating because that is actually why (laugh)
    T: Why didn't you let me name it!
    H: No! You'd pick something weird!
    T: What are you saying! I have really awesome naming sense! My friend has a white rabbit and I named it "daifuku".
    H: See, no way (laugh)
    T: And I named the cat that Yukke's family has. It was kind of milk-tea colored. So I said Chai would be good, and it became Chai.
    H: Ah, Chai is kind of cute!
    T: Right? Your dog has long hair, doesn't it? Then name it Ronge [slang for "long hair"].
    H: No, I wouldn't want to call him that.
    T: What's wrong with it. Like, "Oi, Ronge" (laugh)
    H: No! No way!
    T: Then Chaparon. [mix between "brown hair" (chapatsu) and "long hair" (ronge)]

    - Chaparon is cute (laugh)
    H: He'll ignore me if I start calling him Chaparon now! You have a pet too don't you Tatsuro-san?
    T: A cat.
    H: What's it's name?
    T: Cat.
    H: ........That's not true.
    T: Kidding. Teto.

    - Why Teto?
    T: Cause I love "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind".

    - That's right. You like Hayao Miyazaki don't you.
    T: Yeah, I do.
    H: Which one do you like the most?
    T: "Nausicaa", "Laputa Castle in the Sky", or "Princess Mononoke". Have you ever read the original "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind"? The movie ends at about the second volume, so you should definitely read it. You'll understand it a lot more deeply.
    H: Is the original work that little book?
    T: It's not little. Is it just cause you're big?
    H: Hey (laugh). Huh? Am I wrong, the one I have is small! Huh? Are the titles different?
    T: They're not different, it's just "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind". That's definitely a different book, are you sure it isn't "My Neighbors the Yamadas"?
    H: ......Of course not (bitter laugh). If it was that different I think I would notice (laugh)

    - So as for something you have in common, you both like movies, right?
    T: Do you like movies Hitsugi?
    H: I do.
    T: What have you seen lately?
    H: The one I saw most recently was "The Departed".
    T: I was wondering about that one, but I haven't seen it. Was it good? Isn't it a re-make of a Hong Kong movie? (A remake of the Hong Kong movie "Infernal Affair")
    H: Yeah. According to the people who saw the original it seems like that one was better. I haven't seen that version though. What about you?
    T: This was last year, but out of the movies I've seen recently the one I liked the most was "Tekkon Kinkreet". Did you see it?
    H: I did I did.
    T: "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" was awesome too. Did you see it?
    H: I did. Huh? Was that the third one?
    T: No, the second.
    H: Huh? Haven't they made a third one already?
    T: Yeah, "The Prisoner of Azkaban".
    H: What? Isn't that a different series? I think that's Potter (laugh). I still haven't seen "The World's End".
    T: You should see it. It's so good!
    H: Do you watch movies at the theater?
    T: Yeah. Why? Do you watch the DVDs?
    H: Yeah. I can't get comfortable at movie theaters.
    T: Why! The impact is so different~ Well, if it's a drama-like movie it's fine to watch it at home, but something like "Dead Man's Chest" should be at a theater. Also "Transformers" I would want to watch in a theater. I guess "Zodiac" would be fine watching on DVD.
    H: Was "Zodiac" good?
    T: Yeah, it was. "300" wasn't though.
    H: Heh~ Did you see "Lucky Number 7"?
    T: I haven't. Have you?
    H: I like Bruce Willis, so I thought it was good.
    T: Ah, I also saw "Die Hard", and a while ago I rented Steven Seagal's "Under Siege" series. I had watched it once about 3 years ago and didn't think it was good at all, but since there was a new one out I decided to check out if it was any good, so I watched "Dark Territory", but as I thought I really didn't like it (laugh). It's like, I didn't get the point. Also, I haven't watched it but I rented it recently, a Korean movie called "Old Boy". Apparently it's good. Ah, I remembered another Korean movie! Right now, Macchan (Matsumoto Hitoshi) writes a column called "Cinema Bouzu", right? In that, he wrote about the Korean movie "The Eraser in my Head" [English title is "A Moment to Remember"], and there was one part that was soo funny. It's a story of a wife that has Alzheimer's, and he wrote, "It was dangerous that the wife had Alzheimer's, so they changed their gas stove to an electric one, but a few days later it was a gas stove again. I wonder if the director and staff just didn't notice? Did the director and staff all have erasers in their heads?". I thought that was pretty strange (laugh).

    - That's amazing! How clever! I watched it but I never noticed that.
    H: It's true! But even if the connection is kind of weird it'll interfere with the story, so I don't notice the little things (laugh).
    T: Right, right, right. For me, I really like reading the reviews that regular people leave about movies on Yahoo! movies. Have you ever seen "The Shawshank Redemption"?
    H: Yeah. That was a good movie.
    T: Yeah. I liked it too, so I started wondering what other people thought of it and checked it out. And then, just one person had given it one star and a negative review. I wanted to know why, so I read it and it said, "The last scene when he was breaking out of jail. It's fine that he broke out by gouging a hole in the wall with a spoon (it was actually a rock hammer), but after he broke out, the poster that was perfectly put up to cover the hole he made in the wall is what I can't understand. I just kept thinking, 'Who put those thumb tacks in the wall?' and I couldn't concentrate on the rest of the movie.".
    H: That's true! I didn't notice!
    T: I know! Me neither (laugh). I read that and thought, "That's true!" (laugh). It's really interesting that everyone has such different points of view and are looking at tons of different things (laugh).

  19. #1444
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    - Even if it's the same movie, it's interesting that touching moments or ones that make you cry are different depending on the person.
    H: Yes, yes. Plus, when you watch it your mental condition can change, too.
    T: Right. Have you watched "Nausicaa" since you've been over 20? When I watched it when I was over 20 I just burst into tears.
    H: At what scene?
    T: When Nausicaa was thrown into the air by the group of Ohmu. I cried then. I cried a lot. I thought, "She's so helpless", "She's so small". It was too sad, it made me cry.
    H: I didn't cry during "Nausicaa". Did you?

    - I liked "Nausicaa" and I have the DVD, but I haven't watched it again recently. The last time I watched it was a pretty long time ago so I don't remember the details.
    T: What did you watch that made you cry? "My Neighbors the Yamadas"?

    - Of course not! Out of Miyazaki Hayao's films, even though it's not very recent, the most recent one was "Spirited Away" that I remember really making me cry.
    T: What part?

    - When Haku gave Sen the onigiri.
    T: Ahh, when her mom and dad got turned into pigs.
    H: No, that was a totally different part. It's seriously suprising how shameless you are, Tatsuro-san (laugh). [ii kagen]
    T: I already told you, "ii kagen" means good condition.
    H: Ahh, ok ok (laugh). For me, it's not Miyazaki Hayao, but I cried during the movie "Bicentennial Man" with Robin Williams. At the end, I was crying so hard.
    T: Ahh, the one with the robot, huh. I cried during "Big Fish". That one's good. It's so good it makes me think if it's not Tim Burton's will or something.
    H: I have the DVD of "Big Fish". But you really do love movies don't you, Tatsuro-san.

    - By the way, how do you find time to watch movies when you're both so busy?
    T: I'll watch the DVDs while I'm on tour or something, or on the plane when we're going overseas.
    H: I'm the type to just buy the DVDs.

    - I see. Then let's talk some about your bands (laugh). Do you have any advice to Hitsugi as the senpai in a band that's just had it's 10th anniversary, Tatsuro-san?
    T: Let's see~ How many years has Nightmare been together now?
    H: It'll be 8 years this year. We formed in 2000.
    T: 8 years, huh~ That's a long time.
    H: But in two years we'll be the same age as Tatsuro-san and will be having our 10th anniversary, so the times we formed our bands is about the same.

    - That's true, you both started around high school didn't you. Besides Ruka, MUCC and Nightmare both have their roots as high school friends. Did any kind of change happen to MUCC during your 8th year together?
    T: MUCC's 8th year? 8 years would mean that was 2 years ago? So what time period was that?

    - It was the year you released "Houyoku".
    T: And it was the first year we went overseas. The first time we went was before "Houyoku", wasn't it.
    H: It was that recent? When you first went overseas?
    T: Yeah. We were slow. Because we totally weren't interested in going at first. Actually, we didn't want to go. But I'm really glad we did now.

    - Nightmare hasn't gone overseas once yet, have they. So that's the same.
    T: Eh? Really? You still haven't gone overseas? Why not?
    H: There isn't any deep meaning as to why. It's not like we haven't gotten offers, and we're not just refusing to go, it's just that right now we feel like we want what we're doing in our home ground of Japan to be firmly grounded. We think now is the time to build a good foundation. There's also the reason that Ruka-san really hates airplanes (laugh).
    T: Ahh, for us Yukke also hates airplanes (laugh). But it's not good to dislike something you haven't tried. Really, you shouldn't. After I went and actually had the experience I can say that for sure.
    H: When I saw MUCC's "Flight" PV (Using footage of an overseas live) it was the first time I thought I wanted to have a live overseas. It looked great. I thought I wanted to see that kind of scene from the stage, too.

    - You said it. Before now you never said you wanted to have a live overseas.
    H: Yeah. I felt like it's fine if we do it sometime later, and I couldn't image what us playing overseas would be like.
    T: I understand. I was like that too. But you know, if you go you'll change. I think the way you play at lives, and even the way you think of lives themselves will change. Because it influences your performance. The way the rhythm goes and how people get into it is completely different from Japan, so it really gives you motivation. Of course Japan has it's own good points. But if you go over there you'll get a totally new way of getting into it. Like, "Wow, so this song can also have this sort of feel to it", and even though it's your own song it's like a new discovery. Almost like you're getting to see it in it's original form or something.
    H: Is that so~ I want try going.
    T: If you can get permission then you definitely should. We also didn't want to follow the recent trend by going, so we hesitated, but it wasn't something we should have worried about.
    H: So there wasn't a problem with the language barrier at all?
    T: You don't notice. It makes you think how amazing music is.
    H: We'll also work hard so we can celebrate our 10th anniversary.
    T: Right, so next time we'll go touring.
    H: Please invite me! I don't need prank mails or phone calls (laugh). But is this okay? Will you be able to write this down? Is it okay?

    - Ahahaha. It's okay, it's okay (laugh)
    T: I'm okay too. I'm pretty tired from talking.
    H: It's not a problem of you being tired from talking! (laugh)
    T: Ah, really?
    H: Not "Ah, really"!
    T: We didn't come here to go bowling and eat?
    H: It's an interview, an interview!
    T: Ah, is that so.

    und sucht mal nach dem hier bei Youtube:
    jealkb feat. Tatsuro von Mucc- Koigokoro (german sub) by KuroiKarasu89 (Lyrics and music by Tatsuro)
    ^^ auch ganz nett

  20. #1445
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    SATOchi is going to be in tomorrow's girugamesh show. But the Kaizoku Muso game is going on sale tomorrow . . I'll be too busy. -Tatsuro
    Haha er spielt lieber das neue One Piece Spiel als sich die Show anzugucken LOL

  21. #1446
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    Ich finde übrigens die B-Seite von Nirvana namens "Bals" richtig gelungen. Bin echt gespannt auf das Album, wenn es den hoffentlich noch dieses Jahr kommt.

    Sucht einfahc mal bei YT nach und gebt eure Meinungen wider

  22. #1447
    Mitglied Avatar von witzlos
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    Original von Kinta
    Ich finde übrigens die B-Seite von Nirvana namens "Bals" richtig gelungen. Bin echt gespannt auf das Album, wenn es den hoffentlich noch dieses Jahr kommt.

    Sucht einfahc mal bei YT nach und gebt eure Meinungen wider
    finde das lied auch ganz gut. macht irgendwie gute laune und hat starken ohrwurm charakter. doch ja,. es ist gut^^
    R.I.P. liebes CIL-Forum

  23. #1448
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    irgendwie hab ih mir das lied jetzt 5 mal angehört und immer wenn ich versuche hinzuhören, bin ich URPLÖTZLICH abgelenkt und dann wenn ich mich wieder erinner, dass ich auf das lied hören wollte, dann ist es vorbei.
    jedes verdammte mal xD

    ich denke das lied ist ein perfektes background lied.... ich höre es, und auf einmal fallen mir sooo viele dine ein, die ich noch zu erledigen habe.

  24. #1449
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    Original von Shibbo

    Sänger: Tatsurou - Iwagami Tatsurou

    Gitarrist: Miya - Yaguchi Masaaki

    Bassist: Yukke - Fukuno Yusuke

    Drummer: Satochi - Takayasu Satoshi


    MUCC gründeten sich 1997 in der Präfektur Ibaraki. Die Gründungsmitglieder waren Sänger Tatsurou, damals unter dem Namen "Tattoo" bekannt, Gitarrist Miya, Bassist Hiro und Schlagzeuger Satochi. Im darauffolgenden Jahr wurden 2 Demotapes, NO?! und Tsubasa wo kudasai, veröffentlicht. Das von Misshitsu Neurose records produzierte Aika folgte.
    Mucc beim Sweden Rock Festival im Juni, 2008; Sänger Tatsurou

    Im Februar 1999 verließ Hiro die Band und wurde durch YUKKE, einen Freund Miyas aus Kindertagen, ersetzt. Die nächsten Demotapes Shuuka und Aka wurden veröffentlicht, bis am 25. Dezember das erste Mini-Album Antiiku veröffentlicht wurde, das ein halbes Jahr später in zweiter Pressung erschien.

    2000 hatte die Band das erste Interview mit der bekannten japanischen Musikzeitschrift "Fool's Mate". Tattoo änderte seinen Namen in Tatsurou.

    Es folgten das erste Album Tsuuzetsu sowie einige Singles. 2002 starteten MUCC ihr eigenes Label Shu bei Danger Crue Records und der offizielle Fanclub Shuu no to wurde gegründet. Im September wurde ihr zweites Album HoumuraUta veröffentlicht, dessen erste Pressung innerhalb kurzer Zeit ausverkauft war. Mitte 2003 wurden sie von dem Major Label Universal Gear unter Vertrag genommen.

    Mit den Veröffentlichungen mehrerer Alben und einer unglaublichen Vielzahl von mehr als 600 Konzerten etablierten sie sich im japanischen Musikbusiness. Ihr Stil wandelt(e) sich von Album zu Album, genauso wie ihr Styling sich langsam vom Visual Kei entfernte und normaler wurde, da, so Tatsurou in einem Interview, das Make Up nicht zu den Songs passe und die Musik ohne visuelle Hilfsmittel stehen soll.
    Mucc in Londres; Gitarrist Miya

    Seit 2005 haben sie ihren Weg nach Deutschland gefunden. Das Label Gan-shin veröffentlichte bisher sechs ihrer Alben und eine ihrer Singles (Saishuu Ressha) und kündigte weitere Veröffentlichungen an. Es war auch das Jahr, in dem das erste europäische Konzert bestritten wurde. Seitdem spielten sie jedes Jahr in Europa, zuletzt 2007 im Zuge ihrer „World Tour“ u.a. am 23. März in Saarbrücken und ab dem 27. in Hamburg gemeinsam mit BALZAC. Es folgten die dt. Städte Köln, München und Berlin.

    Relativ früh im Jahr 2008 haben sie bekannt gegeben, mit ihren japanischen Kollegen von D'espairsRay und the Underneath, Teil der Taste Of Chaos-2008-Tour zu sein, die mitunter 46 Tourdaten quer durch ganz Amerika umfasst. Dort traten sie u.a. mit Bullet For My Valentine, Atreyu und Avenged Sevenfold auf, mit denen sie Freundschaften geschlossen haben. Die Fortsetzung der Tour findet ab dem 9. Oktober in Hamburg statt und führt durch Europa, vor allem aber durch England.

    Allgemein kann man die Musik von MUCC als melodischen, gefühlsbetonten Hard Rock bezeichnen, der auf Grund Tatsurous variabler und ausdrucksstarker Stimme einer traditionellen fernöstlichen Weise zuzuordnen ist. Einige Lieder weisen an manchen Stellen Reggae- oder Blues-Einschläge auf, andere gehen in die Richtung Thrash Metal. Auffällig ist die Melancholie und die Sehnsucht, die vor allem in ihren melodiöseren Liedern zum Vorschein tritt. Miya und Tatsurou sind die Hauptsongwriter, einzelne Songs wurden jedoch auch von den anderen Mitgliedern geschrieben.

    Die Texte werden von Miya und Tatsurou geschrieben. Sie nehmen darin Bezug auf Depression, Verzweiflung, Angst, Weltschmerz, Liebe und Freundschaft. Manche Texte handeln von ihrer Ablehnung gegenüber der japanischen Gesellschaft der Gegenwart. So haben sie Tokyo den Song "Akasen" gewidmet, der nicht gerade positiv geprägt ist.

    Auf dem Album "Gokusai" zeigen sich MUCC von ihrer bisher facettenreichsten Seite. Es ist ein wilder Stilmix, der nur schwer einzuordnen ist. So klingen einige Songs, als stammen sie von Homura Uta-Zeiten, während andere den modernen Stil von MUCC (wie auf dem Album 6) aufzeigen. Gokusai beinhaltet unter anderem die Stilrichtungen Reggae und Pop, was ein Beweis für MUCCs wohl konkurrenzlose Wandelbarkeit sein dürfte.

    Auf dem Album "Shion" kommen zum ersten Mal elektronisch verfremdete Instrumente und Synthesizer zum Einsatz, womit die vier Bandmitglieder eine neue, clubtaugliche Seite präsentieren. Im Gegenzug dazu gibt es auf dem Album wie gewohnt auch "härtere" Songs.


    * Antiiku (Mini-Album, 25. November 1999)
    * Tsuuzetsu (7. Januar 2001)
    * Tsuuzetsu ~Inshouchigai~ (17. Juni 2001)
    * Aishuu (Mini-Album, 25. Dezember 2001)
    * HoumuraUta (6. September 2002, erschien im Mai 2006 in Deutschland)
    * Zekuu (3. September 2003, erschien Mai 2006 in Deutschland)
    * Kuchiki No Tou (1. September 2004, erschien im September 2005 in Deutschland)
    * Live at Roppongi (26. Januar 2005)
    * Houyoku ( 23. November 2005, erschien im Januar 2006 in Deutschland)
    * 6 (26. April 2006, erschien im Mai 2006 in Deutschland)
    * Cover Parade (6. Juni 2006) -war nur auf einem Konzert in Japan zu haben; die Voraussetzung, um sie kostenlos zu bekommen, war das Vorzeigen aller CDs von MUCC-
    * Gokusai (6. Dezember 2006, erschien am 23. Februar 2007 in Deutschland)
    * Psychedelic Analysis (28. März 2007)
    * Worst of Mucc (6. Juni 2007)
    * Best of Mucc (6. Juni 2007)
    * Shion (26. März 2008, erschien am 4. Juli 2008 in Deutschland)
    * Kyutai (4.März 2009, erschien am 24. April 2009 in Deutschland)


    * Syouhu/Hai ( 6. September 2000)
    * Aoban (15. Juli 2001)
    * Akaban ( 15. Juli 2001)
    * Fu wo tataeru uta (21. Januar 2002)
    * Suisou (9. Juni 2002)
    * Fu wo tataeru uta (10. Juni 2002)
    * Ware, Arubeki Basho (Type A) (21. Mai 2003)
    * Ware, Arubeki Basho (Type B) ( 21. Mai 2003)
    * Ware, Arubeki Basho (Type C) ( 21. Mai 2003)
    * Rojiura boku to kimi e ( 25. Februar 2004)
    * Monokuro no Keshiki (9. Juni 2004)
    * Kokoro no Nai Machi (30. März 2005)
    * Ame no Orchestra (8. Juni 2005)
    * Saisshu Ressha ( 19. Oktober 2005; erschien Mai 2006 in Deutschland)
    * Gerbera ( 15. Februar 2006)
    * Ryuusei ( 24. Mai 2006)
    * Utagoe ( 23. August 2006)
    * Horizont ( 8. November 2006)
    * Libra ( 21. März 2007)
    * Flight ( 2. Mai 2007)
    * Fuzz ( 31. Oktober 2007)
    * Ageha (, 27. August 2008; Produziert von Ken von L'Arc~en~Ciel)
    * Sora to Ito (, 28. Januar 2009; Produziert von Ken von L'Arc~en~Ciel)


    * Luna Sea Memorial Cover Album -Re:birth- , Track 1: Déjàvu (19. Dezember 2007)


    * Natsu No Tour (Nihon Rettou Konton Heisei Shinnoju) (, 10. Dezember 2003)
    * History DVD The Worst (, 22. Dezember 2004)
    * Tonan no Hoyoku (, 29. März 2006)
    * World Tour Final at Nippon Budokan (LIVE DVD ) (Dezember 2006)
    * ~Live Chronicle~ (28. November 2007)
    * ~Live Chronicle 2~ (24. Dezember 2008)

    und nun noch ein paar Eindrücke:


    so..meiner meinung nach ist ein MUCC-thread dringends nötig ^_~


    major-aktiv seit 1997


    Tatsurou [Vocal]
    Miya [Gitarre]
    Yukke [Bass]
    Satochi [Drums]

    mucc [sprich: mukku] werden gemeinhin der sparte eruguro-kei zugeordnet.
    und was will uns das sagen ?
    eruguro bedeute erotic&grotesque und bezieht sich wie meist im visual kei auf das aussehen der band. die outfits sind oft düster angehaucht und sollen bewusst hässlich und/oder grotesque aussehen.

    musikalisch lassen sich mucc nicht so einfach zuordnen. meist werden sie in die sparte punkrock mit hardcore-einfluss geschoben, allerdings haben sie auch einige ruhige lieder mit jazzigen elementen.

    ahm..weiß auch nicht, warum ich das gerade hier schreibe...>_<
    naja jedenfalls find ich mucc klasse. nicht nur ihre musik sondern auch ihre ausgeflippte, etwas durchgeknallte art.

    und ich hoffe, auf ihr oneman in hamburg gehen zu können. allerdings muss ich dafür entweder eine gute seele finden, die mich im auto mit nach hamburg nimmt oder jemanden, der mich dort oben für eine nacht beherbergt..>_>

    und jetzt eure kommentare bitte

  25. #1450
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    Cyree war ja so genial <3<3<3 !!
    sie haben alle lieder gespielt die ich auf jeden fall hören wollte und es klang alles sehr gut!
    teilweise fand ich tats stimme deutlich besser als aufgenommen~
    oh und yukke *~*;;;;;;;; lass ich das.. <3
    schade dass er sich von keinem seiner pleks trennen konnte ;_;~ XD
    die markthalle war auch ein guter ort für das konzert, schön in kleinem rahmen..und nach hinten wurde es höher (stufen)..sehr genial ~
    am besten war aber noch die band selbst..tats deutsch *g zu genial..
    (man hats sogar verstanden XD und sein englisch auch *g)
    ich find man hat gesehen dass sie sich mühe gegeben haben mit den fans in kontakt zu kommen, und nicht nur ihre 'show' abzuziehen und dann zu verschwinden..
    die fans waren auch mal angenehm..bis auf die paar stagediver (*waffel tret*), die mir u.a. mit dem fuss ins gesicht traten und gegen den arm x_X'' *blaue/grüne/braune XD flecken hat*
    aber als tat redete und so waren sie ruhig :>
    (vll liegt es daran dass die kiddies jetzt nach der ani und diru kein geld mehr hatten hinzufahren |D ..und weil es ein sonntag war.. muahahaha... XD ..egal '_')

    "Germany fantastisch"
    "we will come back" \*_*/



    So..wie versprochen kommt hier der bericht über das mucc-konzert
    Und wie immer fange ich mit der reise an, die (wie immer) nicht unanstrengend und unspektakulär war XD

    Da unser zug morgens um 5.26 h gefahren ist und sonntags um diese zeit noch kein bus in meinem netten stadtteil fährt, hab ich bei an-chan übernachtet. Wie wir uns vorgenommen haben, sind wir um 11 h ins bett, aber eingeschlafen erst gegen 1h *__*
    Und um 4 h morgends hat uns dann der herzlose wecker nach sensationellen 3 stunden schlaf aus den träumen gerissen.. ihr wollt gar nicht wissen, wie wir aussahen XD
    Jedenfalls kamen um 4.30 dann ayana und nicole vorbei und nicki’s mutter fruhr uns zum bahnhof. Nach sieben stunden fahrt ,4mal umsteigen und einer herzattacke, weil wir einmal fast den anschlusszug verpasst hätten, kamen wir um 13 h in hannover an.
    Dort holten und ayana’s kumpels ricki und tofa ab. In rickie’s auto und dem von tofa’s eltern begaben wir uns auf die autobahn nach hamburg. Nach unserem zeitplan hätten wir ja so zwischen 15 - 15.30 h in hamburg ankommen sollen. Aber herzattacke nummer 2 wartete kurz hinter hannover in form eines staus >__<“
    Und damit nicht genug; nachdem wir gegen 15.40 h kurz vor hamburg waren, gab es kein erbarmen: herzattacke nummer 3, bzw. stau nummer 2 kurz vor hamburg. Zu diesem zeitpunkt waren an-chan und ich kurz davor auszusteigen und zu fuß zu laufen, bzw ricki’s sitze zu zerstören ~

    jedenfalls fuhren wir dann um 16.30 h vor der halle vor um dort die menge der mucc-fans zu bewundern die sich dort schon angesammelt hatte. wir 5 ließen uns dann ebenfalls dort nieder (wo ich auch gleich mal leute von rip getroffen habe ). übrigends fielen wir auf, weil wir keine tatsurou-schminke trugen und einfach in jeans und tshirt gekommen waren... Kann ich nur empfehlen, die schminke existiert nach dem live eh nicht mehr XD

    dann hieß es erst mal weiter 3 stunden ausharren. erfreulicherweise fing es auch noch an zu regnen.. >o< aber um 18 h wurde der metall-roladen vor der halle geöffnet und die ganze meute, wir fünf inklusive stürzte hinein und kam am ende der ersten treppe wieder zum stehen… mittlerweile waren an-chan, nicole und ich von ayana und den beiden jungs getrennt worden.. wir standen ziemlich weit vorne und mussten noch mal ca. eine halbe stunde ausharren, bis die absperrung geöffnet war, und alle die treppen hoch und bis zur hallentür rennen konnten. Immer zu sechst durfte man dann in das hauptgebäude rein. karten vorzeigen, security check und ab gings zur hallentür.. da haben wir uns erst mal mit ein paar leuten unterhalten… als dann die tür geöffnet wurde, sausten wir die treppe rauf und in richtung bühne. Und…. An-chan, nicole und ich standen in der zweiten reihe, genau da wo wir hinwollten, nämlich zwischen tatsurou und yukke ^_^

    dann hieß es wieder einmal warten.. und dann meinte nicki plötzlich zu mir: ‚tami..ich glaub mir wird schwindelig..’ und sie ist einfach zusammengebrochen ô.O und kein arsch hat mir geholfen. Ich musste erst mal die leute neben ihr anfauchen bis sie mir dabei geholfen haben, sie hochzuhiefen. Und die security männer haben sich auch reichlich zeit gelassen bis sie ihr wasser gegeben und ihre aus der menge rausgeholfen haben..>_< echt mal..

    na ja, um 8h betrat dann jedenfalls saeko, die vor’band’ die bühne. und ich fand sie gar nicht so schlecht. die musik erinnerte mich ein bisschen an nightwish, allerdings war ihre stimme für meinen geschmack etwas zu hoch. jedenfalls haben wir sie trotzdem brav angefeuert

    sie sang ca. eine halbe stunde und dann….kündigte sie mucc an.. nach einer weiteren halbe stunde aufbauzeit gingen die lichter aus und alle fingen an zu schreien und/oder ‚mucc’ zu rufen als erstes betrat satochi die bühne.. er trug schwarze klamotten und augen makeup grinste und poste uns zu bevor er sich hinters drumset begab. Als nächstes erschien miya mit einem wacken-tshirt und schminke um die augen, der die menge lässig grüßte und sich seiner gitarre annahm ~
    An-chan und ich sahen uns an, denn wir wussten, dass nun unser persönliches lieblingsmitglied die bühne betreten würde: yukke, der uns fans grüßte und ein motörhead-tshirt trug. Gefolgt von..tatsurou mit makeup um augen und mund, der uns grinsend zuposte und ein sexy dynamite london tshirt trug.. die menge schrie wie verrückt und dann gings auch schon los mit dem ersten song. They kicked asses..^__^

    das konzert war einfach geil. ich weiß leider nicht die ganze setlist, aber unter anderem haben sie gespielt: zetsubou, , monochro, bouzenjishitsu (yay for that) and..daikirai (another yay).

    und ich werde jetzt nicht den beschissenen crowd server erwähnen, der auf meinen kopf gekracht ist, so das mein nacken immer noch weh tut oder die nervigen spanier die sachen wie ‚daikirai’ und ‚baka’ gebrüllt haben, bis wir sie mit bösen blicken und einem ‚shut the fuck up’ zum schweigen gebracht haben, oder die ‚aishiteruu’-rufe ohne die es scheinbar nicht geht..*__*’

    denn yukke zu zusehen war einfach super. es sieht einfach klasse aus, wie er spielt und sich dazu bewegt. wenn er den kopf dabei schieflegt, sieht er manchmal aus wie ein unschuldiges kind und dann wieder wirkt er einfach cool und gelassen er hat die meiste zeit ohne plecktron gespielt, weswegen er sich hin und wieder diese pflaster-spray auf die finger gesprüht hat.. auch tatsurou war einfach genial. Er sprang umher und hat getanzt, head gebangt , grimassen geschnitten und seine texte mit gesten unterstützt und kam oft an den rand der bühne.
    miya benahm sich ganz so wie man es von einem lead-gitarristen erwartet ^_~: er poste mit seiner gitarre, leckte dieselbe und seine lippen, sprang umher und sah ziemlich sexy aus, bei allem was er tat (und hier kommt kurz das fangirl zutage, das in jedem von uns steckt xD)
    satochi spielt voller energie und grinste immer wieder in die menge.. and alle 4 head bangten so viel wie möglich..

    und sie waren alle barfuß ^_^ immer wenn tatsurou seinen fuß auf den vestärker stellte, hat er mit den zehen gewackelt XD

    nach den ersten paar lieder hat tatsurou dann zu uns gesprochen das war echt neidlich. Er sagte: hi, we’re mucc and we’re from japan.’ (hier lachte die eine hälfte und die andere jubelte) dann sagte er glaube ich: ‚nice to meet you here’ oder so was, die leuts waren zu laut xD and dan..sagte er in deutsch,…“deutschland (lautes geschrei)…deutschland..(noch lauteres gebrüll) psch....(er bedeutet uns leise zu sein)..duetschland ist fantastisch.“ Na ihr könnt euch sicher vorstellen das hier alle so laut brüllten wie sie konnten und nach einem ‚los geht’s’ gings auch schon weiter..

    yukke kam ungefähr dreimal an den rand zur bühne und an-achan und ich konnten ihn berühren dann übernahm tatsurou die kamera und filmte die menge; schien ihm ziemlich spaß zu machen

    er sang die ganze zeit so voller emotionen und während zutazuat sogar kurz a capella; es wurde fast ganz still und dieser moment hat mich wirklich berührt. er klang so verzweifelt.
    tals er wieder das mikro nahm, habe ich nicht mit den anderen mitgeschrieen, ich war einfach zu beeindruckt. Ich stand einfach da und habe tatsurou angestarrt.

    miya hat auch klasse gesungen. genauso wie tatsurou hat er sein gefühle in den gesang gelegt.

    nach dem letzen lied schrien wir alle ‘mucc’ und ‘ankore’ und natürlich kamen sie nochmal auf die bühne
    tatsurou sah richtig gerührt aus und vll bilde ich es mir nur ein, aber yukke schien fast ein bisschen zu weinen. Als letzes spielten sie „9gatsu 3ka no kokuin“ das tatsu einfach als ‚love song’ ankündigte. Und als auch dieses lied zu ende war meinte tsturou noch: ‚we’ll come back next year.’( Ich kanns kaum erwarten !!!!) yukke und miya winkten zum abschied und satochi ging zum mikro und sagte ‘danke’ befor auch er die bühne verließ.

    es war ein richtig geiles konzert. sie haben klasse gespielt und performt. mir gefällt an mucc, dass sie nicht versuchen dir en grey zu imitieren oder so. und tatsurou benimmt sich auch völlig anders als kyo.

    nn der ersten reihe wars einfach genial. leider habe ich kein limited edition tshirt mehr bekommen, aber man kann ja nicht alles haben…



    hab den bericht noch nicht ganz durch. find ich aber genial geschrieben. hast dir viel mehr gemerkt als ich.

    meine schwester und ich waren in der ersten reihe mitte. TATSUROOO *_*
    hab ihn 2,3 mal berühren können. aber er hats uns nicht leicht gemacht. hab hinterher erfahren dass ers nicht mag wenn die fans nach ihm grabschen. *sorry tata-sama* <--- sein spitzname in japan

    die sicherheits masnamehm waren wirklich mieß. die leute wurden vor der absperrung irgendwie hingesetzt oder wie nach hinten geschoben.
    den dummen crowd-server hab ich auch mitbekommen >_<
    yukke war genial. ich liebe ihn einfach *kawai*

    das warten beim soundcheck war hölle. schuld war irgendwie miyas gitarre. der checker hats irgednwie nicht geschafft das ding richtig einzustellen.

    Tatsuro´s >shh. shhhhhh. .... fantastisch.> watr genia!!!!!!!!!!!
    und Satochi nach der zugabe >danke<. sooooo ein süßer blick *_*

    die eine stelle wo tatsuro ohne mikro sang aber soooooooowas von laut und klar. *gänsehaut*
    WAH!!! er is genial!

    für das ancore-lied hab ich sie geliebt. das war mein erstes MUCC lied *_*



    ich kopiers hier einfach auch mal rein =D

    MUCCs Planung für 2006

    MUCC haben große Pläne für 2006, deswegen folgt hier der Übersichtlichkeit halber nur eine Liste:

    2006-01-27 -> Europarelease ihres aktuellen Albums Houyoku bei Ganshin
    2006-02-15 -> neue Single Gerbera (von der es 2 Versionen geben wird, eine mit DVD und eine mit Bonustrack)
    2006-03-29 -> neue DVD Houyoku complete (Clips, Livemitschnitte & Backstageaufnahmen von der Januar-Tour)
    2006-04-XX -> neues Album, welches gleichzeitig in Japan und Europa veröffentlicht werden soll
    2006-05-XX -> neue Single

    2006-06-06 : MUCC Day! Ja, dieses Jahr nicht am 9.6., wie sonst üblich, sondern an diesem Tag, wobei das Datum 2006-06-06 ja auch wohl ein symbolträchtiges ist.
    Und gefeiert wird er auch nicht nur irgendwo, sondern mit 10.000 fans im Nippon Budokan! Gleichzeitig ist dieses Konzert der Abschluss ihrer Welttournee.

    Wie schon durch Ganshin angekündigt, werden sie dieses Jahr wieder in Deutschland spielen. Aber nicht nur das, sie haben das ganze einfach auf ganz Europa und Shanghai ausgeweitet in ihrer Ankündigung!
    Es bleibt abzuwarten, wo genau die anderen Konzerte stattfinden werden, fest steht aber, dass sie im Zeitraum von April bis Mai 2006 durch Europa touren werden.

    Alle diese Infos könnt ihr auch in einem lustigen Clip nachlesen, den ihr hier auf der offiziellen Homepage findet.
    Richtig spannend wird das ganze aber erst ab ~5 Minuten, wenn die Vier euch höchstpersönlich den Plattenkauf demonstrieren und die besonderen Möglichkeiten für in Japan lebende Fans erklären, an Geschenk-CDs zu kommen.

    credits by JaME



    Ist Mucc sooo unbeliebt das es hier nur 5 Seiten gibt? Das müssen wir ändern ;D
    ....schließlich kaufe ich mir ihr nächstes Album und habe eventuell auf ihr nächstes Konzert in Deutschland zu gehen.
    Ihr neues Album "Houyoku" was am 27. Januar in den Deutschen Ladenregalen enthalten sein wird liefert das musikalisch bislang reifste und soundtechnisch beste Werk ihrer Karriere ab. (laut AnimaniA)
    Die Metaleinflüsse der letzten VeröffentlichungEN treten etwas in den Hintergrund wohingegen die durchdachten Kompositionen und die komplexen Arrangements deutlich in den Vordergrund rücken. Herzzerreißende Melodien und eine dichte Atmosphäre zeichnen Houyouku aus.

    Neben der normalen CD wird das Album hierzulande auch als limitierte Erstauflage mit den beiden Bonustracks der ebenfalls limitierten Doppel-CD aus Japan veröffentlicht :rofl:

    Das Mucc Video "mucc - daikirai@studio" ist das beste und verrückeste überhaupt....gib´s von Mucc noch solche Videos wo sie nur blödsinn bauen??


    Nach meinem Hammer Eintrag ist nur ein einziger Beitrag (ein sehr toller und nützlicher) gepostet worden ??
    SO !....bringen wir MUCC hier NIE an die Spitze ! (oder wengistens weiter)
    Ich will hier 10 neue Beiträge pro Tag sehen xDD

    Dankeschön nagi ^-^
    Hab von denen die du gesagt hast "MUCC - Photoshoot Zy 14" // "pride-vision 4" // "ZY 06 [theme park]" // "MUCC - ZY 06" // "Psycho le cemu & MUCC - Zy Magazine photoshoot and karaoke" // "MUCC - Zy 11 (special)" & "MUCC - Pride Vision 02 (photoshoot)" in eMule reingeladen >>welche davon alle auch geladen werden weiß ich noch nicht. Sind die richtig und gut? Und wo kann ich noch andere (die mir noch fehlen etc.) herbekommen?

    Am 27. JANUAR gibt es erst mal für alle MUCC Fan bei uns zu Hause (Media Markt etc.) das neue Album Houyoku -MIT- Übersetzung zu kaufen ^.^ Ich freue miCh schon riesig

    Hier mal ne Konzertkarte von den coolen Guys von MUCC :rolling: :laugh1: :rolling:

    MUCC for FreaKneSs


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